


This is your entry level introduction to paintball for kids 8 years and over. The maximum age allowed is 12 years. This reduces the tempo of paintball and gives every kid a pump action marker to use. No heavy fire, full military overall experience and an all you can shoot two hour session of paintball.

As with all of our events you get free tea and coffee on site as well as fresh water from a drinking fountain. Included in your inclusive session is also:

  • A minimum of six different games and more if you have quick players (we keep going until your 2 hour slot is over)
  • A minimum of six different game play objectives and 3 different paintball maps so you experience every side to paintball
  • Free refills of paint at the end of each game – there is NOTHING extra to pay
  • All of your equipment, including body armour, camouflage overalls, a hood and a anti-fog mask
  • A pump action paintball gun that limits over zealous shooters and lets kids refine their skills while getting used to the game
  • Your own marshal to talk you through everything and make sure your kids have a great experience – they are with them every step of the session


Contact us 7 days a week 9am-6pm